DPA 4060/61/62/63/71 Concealer

Please contact us on +45 3120 7021 or info@nordicproaudio.com
A concealer for the 4060 Series Miniature Omnidirectional Microphones.
It features a separable construction; the top of the concealer can be separated from the base. This allows you to affix the base to clothing, yet allows the top part to be removed independently.
Use with:
- DPA 4060
- DPA 4061
- DPA 4062
- DPA 4063
- DPA 4071
With the concealer comes a unique, detachable space bracket that secures distance to the clothing. This prevents clothing from touching the concealer; thus preventing the creation of noise. The space bracket clicks in and out of the top of the concealer.
- The DMM0021 Concealer for Lavalier 4060 Series replaces both the DMM0012 Concealer for 4060, Concealer for Lavalier 4060 and the DMM0009 Concealer for Lavalier 4071.
- 1x DPA 4060/61/62/63/71 Concealer
- 3x Double sided tape